Photo from Chile

General Stats
Total Number of Entries: 31
Posts Over Last 30 Days: 14
Average Posts Per Day (Last 30 Days): 0.47
First Entry: 07/12/07
Last Entry: 07/22/08
You have been blogging for: 380 days
Total Comments: 79
Average Comments Per Entry: 2.55
Total Views: 13197
Average Views Per Entry: 425.71
Total Subscribers: 0

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Top Categories by Comments
ColdFusion 64 (Average number of comments per entry: 2.667)
Transfer 47 (Average number of comments per entry: 2.938)
OO Design 42 (Average number of comments per entry: 3.818)
Vista 14 (Average number of comments per entry: 7.000)
Hardware 14 (Average number of comments per entry: 7.000)
BlogCFC 7 (Average number of comments per entry: 3.500)
MXUnit 4 (Average number of comments per entry: 4.000)
TDD 4 (Average number of comments per entry: 4.000)
Personal 3 (Average number of comments per entry: 1.000)
Coldspring 2 (Average number of comments per entry: 1.000)

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Top Commenters
Bob Silverberg 28
Matt Quackenbush 4
John Allen 3
Richard 3
richard 3
Brian Kotek 3
charlie griefer 2
Frederic Malenfant 2
Bob 2
Terry Schmitt 2