Actual Documentation Available for ValidateThis
Posted At : August 11, 2009 3:40 PM | Posted By : Bob Silverberg
Related Categories: ColdFusion,ValidateThis
I've been working on ValidateThis, my validation framework for ColdFusion objects, for several months now, and it has evolved to a point that I'm actually quite proud of. I understand that there are even some developers other than me using it! So I figured that the next step towards making it usable by others was to come up with some documentation that is a bit more organized than the ramblings in my blog posts.
So I'm pleased as punch to announce that the official documentation for ValidateThis is now available online! Just cruise on over to and take a gander. There are still a number of sections that have yet to be updated, but I think that I've captured the core information that most users will need.
It was a lot more work that I anticipated, and I am grateful to Luis Majano and Mark Mandel for developing the excellent CodexWiki which is behind the content.
If anyone reading this has any comments, corrections or questions about the docs, please feel free to leave a comment here.
of the project - ppl can now dive in and discover how powerful
this framework is much more easily!