Photo from Chile

Using the Mura FW/1 Connector Plugin

Several months ago Pat Santora of Blue River and I developed a Mura plugin that would allow a developer to take an existing FW/1 application and deploy it within a Mura page. I was interested in this as I saw a need for a lightweight framework that I could use for my plugins, and by coincidence Pat happened to be working on something similar. So we joined forces and the FW/1 Connector Plugin was born.

The plugin was finally released yesterday so I thought it prudent to author a post about how to use the plugin.


The FW/1 Connector plugin can be used to incorporate an FW/1 application into Mura. Each plugin can be assigned to an individual FW/1 application. As long as each FW/1 application has a unique applicationKey, you can have as many FW/1 applications running inside Mura as you please.


Testing Application and Session Integration with FW/1

Sean Corfield recently released a very lightweight ColdFusion MVC application framework called Framework One (FW/1 for short). I've been doing quite a bit of development of plugins for Mura CMS lately and I've been looking for a lightweight front-controller, so it sounded like a potentially good match.

I've been working with Pat Santora of Blue River on a Mura CMS plugin that will enable a developer to plug a FW/1 application into Mura. One of the things we needed to do was to ensure that FW/1's events were properly tied in to Mura's events. To that end I created a little test application that makes use of FW/1's setupApplication() and setupSession() methods.

I thought that this sample app might be useful to someone else who is attempting a different form of integration, so I'm attaching it to this post.