Photo from Chile

Getting Started with VT - Enabling Client-Side Validations

In the previous post in this series about getting started with ValidateThis!, my validation framework for ColdFusion objects, we looked at how to very quickly get up and running with the framework, and how to use it to perform server-side validations for our objects. In this post we'll look at enabling client-side validations for those same business rules.

VT is designed to generate both server-side and client-side validations from a single set of business rules, so we don't have to do any additional coding for the validations themselves, all we have to do it a bit of set up, and then ask the framework for the JavaScript. Let's start with the set up.


Getting Started with VT - Redux - with or without Transfer

Now that I've made ValidateThis!, my validation framework for ColdFusion objects, really easy to integrate into an existing application, I'm starting a new series about Getting Started with VT. The information covered is applicable regardless of whether you are using Transfer or not. In this first post I'm going to cover setting up VT using the new ValidateThis.cfc service object, creating a couple of validation rules, and implementing server-side validations for those rules. This is kind of a redux of the first few posts in my getting Started with VT and Transfer series, so I will be covering some familiar ground.

OK, let's get started.


Getting Started with VT and Transfer - Starting Over

I have made some changes to ValidateThis!, my validation framework for ColdFusion objects, which have made integration far easier, but which have also broken the previous examples in this series. So rather than walking through all of the changes required to get those old examples working, I'm just going to start from scratch.

So please stay tuned for a new series of posts and examples, coming soon.