Presenting at cf.Objective() in May
Posted At : January 28, 2009 11:56 AM | Posted By : Bob Silverberg
Related Categories: OO Design, Personal, ColdFusion, cfObjective
When I started blogging seriously, around 9 months ago, I had my reasons. I wanted to give something back to the ColdFusion community, from which I had received so much. I wanted to learn about new and interesting ideas and techniques, and quickly discovered that the best way to learn about something is to attempt to write about it. I wanted to solicit feedback for my ideas so that I could verify and improve upon them. And I had one goal.
I had just returned from cf.Objective() and had had the time of my life (OK, maybe that's exaggerating a bit). I had attended excellent presentations during which I learned a lot of new and useful things. But more importantly, I had a chance to meet and mingle with some of the nicest and smartest ColdFusion developers one could ever hope to meet. I made some friends, had some very enlightening conversations, and drank a beer or two as well. There was no doubt in my mind that I'd be returning year after year. In my mind it was the ColdFusion Conference to attend.
Having a background in training, and enjoying the challenge of teaching people, I thought to myself, "Self, wouldn't it be cool to present at cf.Objective()?" So that became my goal. It didn't have to be next year - it could be two or three years down the road, but my goal was to eventually speak at a cf.Objective() Conference.
So you can imagine how pleased I was to hear back from the cf.Objective() Steering Committee yesterday that they had accepted two of the topics that I submitted for their approval. I am delighted to announce that I will be presenting the following sessions at cf.Objective(), in May:
- An Object Oriented Approach to Validations
- Building an Object Oriented Model
I'll undoubtedly provide more details on those sessions in the future, and I'm sure that a summary will appear on the sessions page in the not too distant future as well. In addition to achieving my personal goal, I am honoured to be among the group of speakers whose ranks are filled with those whose work I greatly respect. I strongly encourage anyone reading this to make an effort to attend. In my opinion it is truly the best ColdFusion conference available.