Photo from Chile

Vitamin Sweet with Bob and Brian to Debut on CodeBass Radio Next Friday

That's right, your heard it correctly, I will be starting my second show on CodeBass Radio next week, along with my partner in crime, Brian Rinaldi.

As the name so obviously implies, Vitamin Sweet is all about new releases. Every other week we'll bring you an hour packed with songs that have recently been released. Here's your chance to keep on top of what's new and cool out there (according to Brian and me, of course). We'll be featuring the latest releases, hand-picked by one of us, from bands both new to the scene and longtime favorites. I'll be playing tunes that I like and Brian will be doing likewise, and perhaps we'll have a few tunes that get the double-B seal of approval.

So, if you love music, and are keen to hear some of the newest stuff out there, join us on Friday, April 1st at 10:00am Eastern time, on CodeBass Radio for our maiden voyage, and then tune in every other Friday at the same time. You can listen in at or by using the awesomely cool MediaSlurp AIR app which comes bundled with a bunch of other great community streams and podcasts.

I hope to see you online next Friday morning.

Bob's Basement to Debut on CodeBass Radio on Monday

You remember hanging out in your friend's basement? You'd go down there after school, and on the weekends, and you'd chill out and listen to tunes. You'd have your favourites that you'd listen to, but as often as not someone would pull out a new record for everyone to check out. Maybe it was something they'd just picked up at the local record store, or maybe something from their collection that hadn't seen the stylus in awhile. Everyone would sit back on the old sectional, the needle would hit the vinyl and you'd be transported somewhere else.

You'd close your eyes and listen as the sound waves did their thing to you. Sometimes they'd delight, sometimes they'd annoy, and every now and then they'd turn you onto a new band or disc that would stay with you for years to come. Often for the rest of your life.

I remember those days, and I'm going to do my part to bring a touch of that back. Join me on Monday, March 7th at 1:00pm Eastern time, on CodeBass Radio for the inaugural trip down those stairs and allow me to spin some tunes for you. Some may be familiar to you, a lot will not be. I hope that you'll enjoy them, and maybe discover some new stuff that you wouldn't have otherwise.

A big thanks goes out to Vicky Ryder for providing me with this opportunity. You can listen in at or by using the awesomely cool MediaSlurp AIR app which comes bundled with a bunch of other great community streams and podcasts, including the brand-spanking new 2 devs from down under.

I hope to see you online on Monday afternoon.