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ValidateThis 1.1 - User Contributed Fixes and Features

Just a quick note to announce the release of version 1.1 of ValidateThis, an awesome validation framework for ColdFusion. This version includes one new validation type, notRegex, which was contributed by John Whish, and a bunch of small fixes, contributed by Greg Moser.

For those of you reluctant to use a 1.0 version of anything, now that we've got 1.1 out the door you can grab it and give it a try! Here are some resources that will help you:

  • The main home of the framework is, which includes an online demo and links to all of the following.
  • The framework can be downloaded from the ValidateThis RIAForge page.
  • Online documentation is available at
  • API documentation is available at
  • There is a Google group available for asking questions, making suggestions, and general discussion at
  • The source code is hosted at GitHub, and contributions are always welcome.

So what's stopping you? Go download the latest and greatest version of ValidateThis and take it for a spin!

New to ValidateThis, but checking it out has been on my to do list for a long time. Just curious if ValidateThis is currently included in Mura CMS or if I would need to add it manually if I would like to attempt to use it for numerous custom forms we need to build within Mura.
# Posted By John Sieber | 1/30/12 5:51 PM
You know, John, I did speak to some of the developers at Blue River quite a long time ago about integrating VT into Mura, specifically to help with forms, but I don't think it ever went anywhere. If it's something you'd be interested in looking into I'd be happy to provide you with any assistance you might need.
# Posted By Bob Silverberg | 1/31/12 3:53 PM
Thanks for the quick response. I'm looking at the validation that they have baked in right now, but I may get back to you for help if I end up trying to implement VT into my custom forms. Thanks for the offer and for the creation of VT.
# Posted By John Sieber | 1/31/12 4:51 PM