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CFSelenium 1.8 - Improvements to waitFor Methods and Upgrade for Selenium 2.20

A new version of CFSelenium was released today which upgrades the bundled version of Selenium Server to version 2.20.0, and also includes improvements to the waitFor helper methods. Those improvements were contributed by Michael Wilson.

As always, the latest version is available via the CFSelenium RIAForge page and via the CFSelenium GitHub Project.The latter also includes a detailed Readme file which can help you get started using CFSelenium.

Many thanks to Michael for his contribution.

If you're still running Selenium Server 2.0 and haven't run your test suite since last Friday, then you'll want to know that v2.0 included a SSL certificate to proxy HTTPS requests to the Application Under Test, and that certificate expired Sunday April 1st, and will cause all tests to fail if the AUT is using https. Upgrade to Selenium 2.20 to avoid the problem. The new version includes a certificate that expires in 2031.
# Posted By Steven Erat | 4/3/12 10:45 PM
Thanks for pointing that out Steven. That's one of the reasons I released this version.
# Posted By Bob Silverberg | 4/4/12 8:26 AM